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On this page


The Knowledge Management System is the central place of the platform where your private, shared, and community playbooks reside. From here, you can view, search, share and, in general, perform all actions around playbooks.

Playbook views

The Knowledge Management System offers five different views for playbooks:

  1. All: All playbooks owned by you and shared with you are listed in this view.
  2. My Playbooks: Displays only the playbooks owned by you.
  3. Recent: Lists the playbooks recently opened or edited by you.
  4. Favorites: Shows only the playbooks marked as favorite.
  5. Drafts: Lists the playbooks marked as draft.

To access each view, select it from the Navigation menu:


Playbook table

The playbook table lists all playbooks that match the selected view. It consists of eight columns:

  1. Warning/errors: This column will display an icon when playbook has validation errors and/or is revoked.
  2. Name: The playbook name.
  3. Type: This column displays the playbook type. You can see the list of types in CACAO playbook types.
  4. Labels: This column lists the user-defined labels.
  5. Last updated: The relative time since the last update of the playbook.