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On this page



The Cymph platform’s sharing capability allow users to share playbooks seamlessly. You can share playbooks that you have created with others and, with the right privileges, playbooks already shared by others.

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Learn more: Read the User roles page for more details on roles are allowed to share playbooks.


How to share a playbook

  1. Search for the playbook you want to share under My Playbooks page or open the playbook inside the Playbook Editor.

  2. Locate the Share Playbook button.

  3. Click the Share Playbook button.

    1. Inside My Playbooks view.


    b. Inside the Playbook Editor.

    sharing editor.png

  4. The Share Playbook menu pops up.


  5. Select one of the Share Actions by hovering over the Share Playbook, changing the action colour to purple. You can share the selected playbook with:

    1. An individual user.

    2. Your own organisation.

    3. An external organisation.

    4. An ensemble of organisations. ****An ****ensemble is a group of organisations. By sharing to an ensemble, all the organisations belonging to it will received the shared playbook.

    5. Publicly with all Cymph users. ****This action will share the playbook with everyone using Cymph, allowing all Cymph users to see, execute, and duplicate the shared playbook.

    6. The Copy public link action allows the creation of a link that can be shared with anyone, allowing them to access and view the shared playbook.


  6. Follow the steps bellow for specific instructions for each of the Share Actions.

    How to share a playbook with an individual user

    1. Follow the steps mentioned in the “How to share a playbook” section.
    2. At step 5, select the Share to individual users action ****
    3. Start inserting the name of the individual user you want to share the playbook with.
      • You can insert multiple names.


    1. Select Allow users to edit if you want to allow the users to edit the shared playbook.


    1. Click Share.

How to share a playbook with your organisation

  1. Follow the steps mentioned in the “How to share a playbook” section.
  2. At step 5, select the Share to your own organisation action.
  3. Select Allow users to edit if you want to allow the users in your organisation to edit the shared playbook.


  1. Click Share.

How to share a playbook with an external organisation

  1. Follow the steps mentioned in the “How to share a playbook” section.